When an individual experiences a distressing event or situation, they may experience a trauma response. Trauma can leave a person feeling stuck by interfering with their ability to adapt — leaving a person feeling overwhelmed, stripping them of their sense of security, and questioning their self-worth.

Examples of traumatic events include:

  • Accident/Injury

  • Abuse

  • Attack

  • Life-threatening illness

  • Natural disaster

  • Exposure to death or crime

  • Knowledge of disturbing information (aka secondary trauma)

Symptoms of trauma can manifest within us in a variety of ways. Common symptoms of trauma include:

  • Avoidance behaviors

  • Sleep disturbances and Nightmares

  • Intrusive thoughts

  • Hypervigilance

  • Changes in behaviors

  • Anger or irritability

  • Numbness

If you are experiencing any or all these symptoms, you are likely “stuck” in the trauma response.

If you’re ready for a change, we can help.

Kim Seeburger

Kim Seeburger

Jessica Palacios

Jessica Palacios


We have a combined 30 years of clinical experience helping people overcome their trauma and build the life they deserve! We specialize in helping overcome trauma through trauma informed therapies such as EMDR and SE®. We have spent years working both in ER settings to help people who are in need of safe and immediate relief of symptoms, as well as working with clients for long term resolution of trauma cycles. We know how to help you overcome the challenges you’re facing and improve your life!

Our free initial consultation gives you the opportunity to get to know us a bit before you commit to therapy. There’s no obligation — if after speaking to us you decide not to work with us, that’s okay. So what are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose and an improved life to gain!