
Depression goes beyond sadness it causes feelings of hopelessness and despair that linger. It negatively affects how a person feels, thinks, and interacts with the world around them. It can deplete a person of their will to live and interfere with their ability to function in life. While symptoms of depression may vary from person to person, common symptoms include:

  • Feeling down

  • Loss of interest/pleasure

  • Change in appetite

  • Low energy

  • Changes in sleep pattern

  • Anger or irritability

  • Negative outlook

  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering

  • Thoughts of death or suicide


You probably already feel that this is more than just a ‘rough patch.’ Depression is a significant challenge. 

Hope is right around the corner. 

You have recognized that you need help beyond yourself. We can get through this together.  We are committed to helping people to overcome challenges like depression and to live the life they deserve. If you’re feeling at the end of your rope, we are here to instill hope and courage to break through these barriers and keep striving for the life you deserve!


Anxiety can leave a person feeling overwhelmed and as if they have no control. It can leave you feeling agitated, fatigued, restless, irritable, unable to focus, unable to relax.

While some mild anxiety is normal, when it starts to take over your life, it’s time to get some help.

Working together, we can reduce your anxiety. We can stop the worrying and start you living your life again! All you need to do now is send us a message.