Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

You have probably heard of EMDR therapy, but what exactly is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR is an adaptive information processing approach to therapy. The EMDR approach believes past intense emotional experiences are what influences a person’s current perception of the themselves and the world around them.

EMDR processing helps to lower the vividness of images and diminish the emotional connection associated with past negative experiences. By severing the emotional ties to negative experiences, it allows you to move forward in life. A benefit of EMDR is that does not require talking in detail about the traumatic or distressing event, and can be effective without verbalizing the trauma at all.

Bilateral stimulation movements are used to help you process emotionally disturbing experiences by allowing you to access and reprocess the disturbing event. Variations of bilateral stimulation include eye movements, tapping, tones, etc.

It is an evidenced-based therapy that has been researched and proven to effectively treat trauma, depression, anxiety, as well as other disorders.

For more information on EMDR visit the following sites:

EMDR International Association

EMDR Institute, Inc.